Saturday, February 17, 2007

Hardaway Comments....

Recently, Tim Hardaway former NBA All-Star had made elicit comments about gays in professional sports. Now I am kind of torn about this issue. One hand I understand today's culture, I believe "you are what you are", in the world of sports whether it be professional, collegiate, or even high school a open gay individual would not survive. Once that label is placed he or she will have a tough time regardless of talent level. It will be very uncomfortable for the other athletes, and lose focus at time to time. In turn make production go down and ultimately result in losses. Also, create controversy and players lose the desire to even be on the team anymore. One day we will come around and see the light, but until then we will have to deal.

I know this particular statement did not stem from football, but it is a topic involving the entire sports industry.

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